"To all who come to THIS happy place, welcome."

The "World's Greatest Showman" originally heralded those stirring words, as one of his most impressionable, iconic, and timeless "dreams-turned-reality" was unveiled on July 17th, 1955.  

With (less fanfare, but) similar pride, we would personally like to dedicate Disneyhistory101.com as YOUR publicly accessible educational resource on all things pertaining to Walt Disney - his life, his work, the people who knew him, and the legacy that he left behind. 

Disney History 101 supports and promotes your local museums entrusted with the care of Walt-related artifacts and collections.  From time to time we'll visit these institutions  (like Walt Disney Family Museum, Walt Disney Hometown Museum and Walt's Carolwood Barn museum), in order to gain a new perspective and understanding on a Walt-related subject.  From Chicago to Marceline, and from Los Angeles to New York,  we'll also explore the historic settings of pivotal moments in the life of Walt Disney!

However, you'll find that the people (that supported Walt's various dreams and ambitions) are most important to us.  This is because artifacts often outlast the individuals who created and held them, but once people are gone they take their stories, knowledge and wisdom right with them.  For this reason, you'll find that we enjoy sharing their tales of Walt's life and work ever so much more in this forum!  Actors and actresses, animators, designers, writers, operations managers, friends, and family - these are some of the cast of characters that populate Walt Disney's story.  Get ready to meet quite a few of them.

Each time you enter this domain, new realms will be opened to YOU (the average Disney fan) - both young and old!  It is our wish that as you meet the individuals and explore the locations and artifacts relevant to Walt's rich history, that you too will find a little joy and gain inspiration for your own endeavors in life. 

With no further introduction, we would like to proudly present -DISNEYHISTORY101.COM! 

-Your fellow Disney historian and Your personal Field Guide Beth.