Mackie, Ann: Adventureland 1966

Mackie, Ed: Backstage writer, 1962; Disneyland Administrative Division Personnel Asst. c.1967; Employment, 1973

MacDonald, Don: Show installer, 1969

MacKennon, Bob: Disneyland Operations Main Street Manager, 1967-68

MacKinnon, Bob: (possibly misspelled in Directory) Special Projects 1960s; Operations, 1973, c.1983

Madison, Jan: Maintenance Office, 1966

Madrid, Lupe: Frontierland, Hired 1957

Magda, Marni: Tour Guide, 1967.

Magdaleno, Mary: Credit Union, 1973

Magee, Pat: Tour Guide, 1965

Magness, Marilyn: Disneyland Staff Choreographer, 1977

Mahoney, Tommy: assisted with Disneyland Comes to the Hollywood Bowl,” 1958

Maison, Cheryl: Operations, 1973

Malek, Dave: Sales/Merchandising Assistant Supervisor, 1968

Maley, Millie

Malmsten, Allan: Food Services Manager

Malson, Ray: Tomorrowland Operations, 1958

Manes, Dorothy: “55er”; Disneyland Marketing ; Group Services Department Youth Activities Admin., 1967-68

Mann, Kataharina: Disneyland seamstress hied 1979, Epcot seamstress in 1984, Character Costumes until retirement in 1994

Manzella, Sal: Plaza Inn Employee Cafeteria Supervisor 1 of 2, 1968

Manzo, William

Marberry, Joe: Security at West Gate, c.1966

Marcos, Tina: Tahitian Terrace Hostess

Marinkovich, Francis: Disneyland Purchasing 1960s; 1973

Marino, Pat: Food, 1973

Marker, Marvin: Disneyland Production 1960s; Entertainment Director c.1960s

Marroquin, Rudy: Maintenance Plumbing and Air Conditioning Shop, 1966

Marsden, Tom: Egineering, 1973

Marsh, Judy: Slue Foot Sue’s Golden Horseshoe Revue

Marsh, Sharon: Security Couns. Serv., 1973

Martin, Bill: Came from Fox Studios; designed some of the aquatic creatures for the Submarine Voyage

Martin, Cliff: Disneyland Custodial Host Lead, retired in 1997 after 14 years

Martin, Connie: Layout for World of Smiles, c.1965

Martin, Joe: Maintenance & Custodial; about 30 years of service

Martin, John: Decorating 1960s; Disneyland Maintenance Drapery Asst. Sup., 1967-68

Martin, John: Food, 1973

Martin, Kathryn “Kathy”: Group Services 1960s; Magic Kingdom Club, 1973; 1981

Martin, Steve: Fantasyland, 1962; Backstage writer, 1962

Martines, Frank: “55er”; 1966; Warehouse, 1973; Disneyland Services, 1975

Martinez, Danny: Marketing Art, 1973

Martinez, Jack: Plaster Shop, 1960

Martinez, Joe: Maintenance & Custodial; about 30 years of service

Marvel, Roger: Food, 1973

Marx, Mike: Food, 1973

Masella, Angelo: DRC Bowing, 1962

Mason, Bob: Janitorial, 1973

Mason, Francis

Mason, Harry: Disneyland Maintenance Supervisor 1967-68.

Mason, Sheri

Massaglia, Rex: Food, 1973

Masson, Matt: Disneyland Operations Fantasyland Asst. Supv., 1967-68

Massoth, Bertha: Disneyland Publicity 1960s; Marketing, 1973

Matheison, Bob (Robert): Sound, 1960; Disneyland Org. & Div. 1960s

Matsuoka, Karen: 1967; Compensation, 1973

Matsushita, Phil: Marketing Art, 1973

Matthews, Gary: Seasonal Railroad Host, 1966

Matthews, Peggy: Backstage Disneyland editor, 1977

Maugh, Chuck: Engineering, 1973

Mauz, Sharon: Operations, 1973

Maxwell, Cheri: Adventureland 1966

Maxwell, Clara: PBX; 1955.

Maxwell, Milo: Bank of America, 1958

May, Jack: 1966

May, Richard L.: Main Street Theme Park Operations; about 30 years of service

Mayan, Lou: Character Food Stands 1960s; Carnation Gardens Supervisor, 1968

Maley, Millie: Main Street Theme Park Operations; about 30 years of service

Mayton, Al: Tomorrowland Caricature artist, 1966

Mazur, Ken: Operations

McAteer, Doug: Engineering

McBroom, Jim: Maintenance Plumbing and Air Conditioning Shop, 1966

McCalley John: Disneyland Administrative Training Asst., 1967-68.

McCarty, Pat: Landscaping

McClease, Pat: Staff Shop, 1958

McClendon, June: Disneyland Maintenance 1960s

McClure, Neal: Disneyland, 1982

McConnell, Gordon: Maintenance, Plumbing and Air Conditioning Shop, 1966

McCoy, John: Tomorrowland Supervisor, 1977

McCumiskey, Harry: Disneyland Security West Gate, 1962

McCurrie (McCurry), Jim: Wardrobe, 1958; assisted with Disneyland Comes to the Hollywood Bowl,” 1958; Traffic Manager, Wardrobe Manager, 1960; Warehouse Manager, 1966

McDonald, Bob: Character Food Stands 1960s; Disneyland Operations Adv., Frl., N.O., Asst. Supv., 1967-68; Main Files

McDonald, Bob Jr.: Security

McDonald, Donald: Small World refurb., 1966; Disneyland Maintenance Admin. Asst., 1967-68

McFadden, Dave: c.1960s

McFarley, Ruth: 1961

McGalliard, Fred: Disneyland Maintenance Plumbing and Air Cond. Asst. Supt., 1967-68; Engineering

McGee, Gail: Decorating 1960s

McGinty, Robert: Disneyland, c.1963.

McGrath, T.C.

McGraw, Jimmy: Cast Communications, 1989.

McGruder, Jackie: Bell System Exhibit & DRC Canoe Race Team, 1966

McGuire, Bruce: Character, c.1977

McGuire, Floyd: RETLAW 1960s

McGuire, Mac: RETLAW, 1966

McHenry, Bob: Disneyland Marketing Senior Staff Asst. 1967-68

McHugh, Ray: Operations

McIntyre, Anne: Costuming

McIntyre, George: Magic Kingdom Club

McIver, Bruce: Temporary Disneylander, departed for UCLA in September of 1957.

McKee, Melvin: Magic Kingdom Emporium Lead - Personnel, 1970s

McKenzie, Don: Compensation

McKeown, Ray: Laborer since 1955; ex-Disneylander and DRC Bowing, by 1962

McKibben, Mabel: Disney University

McKinley (McKinnley), Bob: Food; Disneyland Pavilion, 1960s; Blue Bayou Supervisor 1968

McKinney, Dave: Tom Sawyer Island Rafts, 1966

McKinnon, Bob (Robert): PBX Operator Director 1980-81

McLaren, Liz:

McLendon, June: Maintenance Staff, joined 1962

McMaster, James

McMasters, John: Adventureland 1966

McMurtrey, Calvin L.: “55er”; Maintenance, Plumbing and Air Conditioning Shop, 1966; 1975

McNamara, Kevin: Disneyland Drama Club, c.1970s

McNamara, Kris

McNeill, John

McNell, Frank “Rick Roustabout”: Disneyland Softball League; Mine Train, 1966; Jungle Cruise, c.1968; Operations

McNichols, Gene: Involved with Kaiser (from 1955-56); Disneyland Hotel 1962

McPhillips, Terry: Tour Guide “Phone Girl,” 1965.

McTyre, Bob: Disneyland, 1982

McVea, Jack: Royal Street Bachelors Leader and clarinet player, retired after 25 years, on Friday June 19, 1992

Mealey, Paola: Disneyland Hotel Cast Cafe, c.1997

Meck, Eddie (Ed): Disneyland Marketing Publicity 1960; Publicity Manager, 1967-68

Meck, Joe: Disneyland Operations Tomorrowland Asst. Supv., 1967-68; Employee Relations

Medrano, Richard: Engineering

Meister, Ben S.: “55er”; Disneyland Operations Fire Department Chief, 1967-68, 1975

Melanson, Dave: WED Project Coordinator as for Big Thunder Mountain, c.1977; Disneyland Fantasyland Project Management

Meldau, Mike: RETLAW

Melton, Orbin V. Disneyland Operations Assistant Treasurer & Executive Committee Member, 1968

Mendoza, Larry: Disneyland Custodial, 1992

Mendoza, Leonso: Disneyland Goofy’s Kitchen, 1992

Mendoza, Manuel: Maintenance

Mendoza, Steven: Disneyland Hotel Guest Services, c.1997

Mendoza, Susan: Purchasing

Merfeld, Kathie: Disneyland, 1992

Merfeld, Rod: Maintenance

Merriman, Tom: Cost Accounting

Messer, Phil: Purchasing

Messerschmitt-Bolkow-Blohm (GmbH): A West German transportation company used to design the Monorail c.1985.

Metoyer, Joann: 1966

Meyer, Greg: Magic Kingdom Emporium Lead - Personnel, 1970s

Mike, Nancy: Disneyland, 1982

Milano, Dick

Milek, Robert “Bob” M.: “55er” and Painter; Disneyland Maintenance 1960s; Sign Shop, 1970s, 1975

Miller, Andy: Maintenance, Plumbing and Air Conditioning Shop, 1966

Miller, Bob: Backstage Disneyland Artist 1975

Miller, Dave: Night Foreman for the Main Street Vehicles.

Miller, Dick: Engineering

Miller, Duane: Disneyland Security, 1966

Miller, Jerry: Operations

Miller, Joanne: Hired August 1975; Personnel Department; secretary to Jim Passilla, Disneyland Employee Relations Director

Miller, John W.: “55er”; Warehouse, 1958; Wardrobe Assistant, 1960; 1955- 1975

Miller, Judy: Operations

Miller, Larry: Fantasyland Skyway, 1962; Backstage Disneyland photographer: 1962; Disneyland Operations Security Supervisor, 1967-68

Miller, Lulu S.: “55er”; Disneyland Wardrobe since 1955; assisted with Disneyland Comes to the Hollywood Bowl,” 1958; Costuming, 1975

Miller, Michelle: Disneyland Drama Club, c.1970s

Miller, Mitch: New Orleans Kitchen, 1966

Millers, John: Disneyland Parking, c.1966

Milligan, Francie: Disneyland Hotel PBX, c.1997

Mills, George Jr.: “55er”; Staff Shop, 1958; United Fund Campaign Chairman for Disneyland, 1962; Disneyland Maintenance Area Sup., 1967-68; 1975

Mills, George Sr.: Studio General Contractor during the construction of Disneyland; Many Disneylanders (like John Yarber) came from George’s payroll.

Miner, Suzanne: 1966

Minick, Bob: Snow White, 1957.

Mistol, George: c.1983

Mita, Barbara: Entertainment

Mitchell, Annie

Mitchell, Jack: Maintenance, Plumbing and Air Conditioning Shop, 1966

Mitchell, Jim: Employee Relations

Mitchell, Linda

Mitchell, Lucy: Full Time Emporium Hostess 1977

Mitchell, T.J.: “55er” and Disneyland Fire Department, 1958

Mitchell, Thomas “Tom”: “55er”; 1955-66… “the original Keystone Kop” on Main Street; Frontierland Marshall for a year; 8 years with Fire Department

Miziker, Ron: Entertainment

Mizusawa, Robert: Disneyland 1980s

Mobley, Richard “Dick”: Relief Foreman, 1966

Mohler, Marcia: Tour Guide “Night Break Girl,” 1965.

Molleda, Edgar: Adventureland, 1966

Monninger, Gary: Maintenance

Monte, Jean : Finance

Montgomery, Jim: 1966

Mooneyham, Troy: Main Gate Ticket Taker, 1965

Moore, Andy: Maintenance

Moore, Bob: Cost Accounting; Construction.

Moore, Gary: Hired May 1970; Backstage photographer 1977; LINE photographer

Moore, John: Magic Kingdom Club

Moore, Pam: Disneyland Parking, c.1966

Moore, Richard: Jungle Cruise, 1966

Morales, Diane: 1970

Morand, Vaughn: Cash Control

Moreno, Sebastian: Disneyland Maintenance Supervisor, 1967-68; Decorating

Morgan, Dana: Disneyland Operations Fantasyland Asst. Supv., 1967-68

Morgan, Hansley: Security 1956

Moriarty, Ed: Disneyland Merchandising Asst. Buyer, 1967-68

Morris, Becky: PBX

Morris, Bob: Adventureland 1966

Morris, Curt: Wardrobe, joined Marines by 1962.

Morrison, Bruce: Pavilion 1966

Morrison, Bud: DRC Bowling, c.1958

Morrison, Ginny: DRC Bowling, c.1958

Moseley, Mary Ann: DRC Geographical Representative (West Side Service Area) 1977

Mowry, Don: Madhatter’s, 1958

Moyer, William L.: “55er” ; 1955-1975; Maintenance

Muhs, Jack: Costuming

Muilenburg, Pat: Advertising

Mulder, Jay: Matterhorn Climber, late 1970s

Mull, Robert “Bob” L.: Administration; Disneyland Creative Ideas Committee, c.1973

Multz, Hugh: Advertising

Munich, Barbara: Personnel Services

Munn, Bob: Disneyland Softball Team

Munro, Lynn: Public Relations

Murano, Sara: Disneyland Merchandising Artist Design Develop & Display, 1967-68

Murphy, Jim: Foreman, 1966

Murray, Arthur: Security

Musachia, George: Security, Harbor Gate, fluent in Spanish and Japanese, 1966

Musser, Fritz: The Disneyland News photographer, c.1955

Mutke, Alan R.: Hired August 1970 as an employee publications editor; Disneyland Line Editor, 1972; coordinates Backstage

Myers, Dennis:

Myers, Ralph: Construction; Prod. Control

Myers, Ron: Entertainment

Myers, Terry: DRC Council Secretary, 1978

Nabbe, Tom: Selling newspapers; Tom Sawyer

Nagel, Bud: Disneyland Public Relations; worked in Eddie Meck’s office in City Hall; Backstage Disneyland photographer, 1962

Nakos, John: Mechanical Inspector, 1969.

Narath, Arthur D.: “55er” Maintenance (there were two Arthur Naraths at the Club 55 20th anniversary)

Narath, Arthur V.: “55er” ; Maintenance (there were two Arthur Naraths at the Club 55 20th anniversary)

Narath, Dean: Disneyland Maintenance Sound Shop Supt. 1967-68; Dean started in February of 1955 as supervisor of sound systems and was working for Ralke, doing sound and projection insulation and maintenance. In the beginning Dean “was THE sound man. Then we added one and two and three, and so on.”

Narvaez, Miguel: Disneyland Hotel, 1992

Napier, John: Adventureland, 1966

Naujock, Barbara: Costuming

Navarro, Valentino: Janitorial Tomorrowland Foreman

Naylor, Betty: Safety

Neal, Suzanne

Neely, Doug: 1966

Neese, Betty: Main Street Theme Park Operations; about 30 years of service

Neinast, Mel: c.1962

Nelson, Claude: Security, c.1962-66; Main Gate, 62; Harbor Gate, 66; rides a scooter

Nelson, Evelyn: Construction, 1969

Nelson, Fred: U.S. Time Corp., 1958

Nelson, George: Asst. Buyer, c.1972

Nelson, Marilyn: Disneyland Drama Club, c.1970s

Newcomb, Fred H.: “55er”; Administrative Division Labor Relations Manager c.1955-c.1967 - Fred was one of the first employees hired; Management Representative for the DRC, 1950s; Personnel, 1960; He worked in the Ad Building; Employee Relations 1975

Newkirk, Laureen: Restroom matron since 1958.

Newland, Bonnie: New Plaza Gardens Secretary, 1958

Newman, Bob: Tomorrowland Space Man, 1966

Nichol, Kay: retired, 1989.

Nichols, Charles: Backstage Disneyland Photographer c.1962-1966; once took a picture from the top of the Matterhorn in a Bolson’s chair without protective gear; Disneyland Marketing Division Photographer, 1967-68; Ten years fo service in 1969.

Nicholson, Eric: Fantasyland Foods, 1966

Nickerson, Ann: pre-1962; moved to Seattle, Wa

Nickerson, Cliff: Tomorrowland Operations, 1958

Nicolai, Phil: Materials Construction

Nicolopoulos, Lou: Motorboats, 1966

Niedzwiecke, Virginia: Accounting

Niemeyer, Al: Main Gate Security, October 1956; Disneyland Operations Security Supervisor, 1967-68

Niles, Carole: Admissions, 1958; DRC Bowling President, 1958

Nitta, Kathy: 1966

Noble, Mel: Maintenance, Plumbing and Air Conditioning Shop, 1966

Norena, Jorge: Disneyland Hotel Housekeeping, c.1997

Norie, Bob: helped guide and organize the Guided Tour program before 1965

Novis, Donald: Slue Foot Sue’s Golden Horseshoe Revue; Spring Tonics ‘58

Nugent, Joe: Casa de Fritos, 1958

Nunez, Juan: Disneyland Hotel Monorail Cafe, c.1997

Nunis, Richard “Dick” A.: Dick came to work for Disneyland, fresh out of college, five months before the Premiere Opening on July 17, 1955. “55er”; Orientation Training Instructor, May of 55; Fantasyland Area Supervisor, 55; Mail Room & Stenographic Pool Supervisor; Manager of Frontierland, Main Street, Adventureland, and Holidayland; Director of Operations Division, 1961-62; Park Operations Committee Chairman, 67; Director Operations, 1967-68; Vice President Disneyland Administrative & Operations Divisions, 68; Walt Disney World Co. Exec. VP Disneyland & WDW, 72; Administration, 1975, 1981; “One time when I was in a meeting at WED, Walt kept shooting me down on every proposal I made. He really cut me to ribbons as everybody sat silent. I kept talking and Walt kept ripping me. Then he got up and walked right out. So did everybody else. I was sure that I had been fired, and I got to thinking about getting a job at Knott's Berry Farm or Marine-land, when a hand was laid on my shoulder. He said, ‘Keep it up, son, stick by your guns!’ He had been testing me!”

Obenour, Bob: Walt Disney World General Manager, 1981

O’Brien, Jack: Security, 1966

O’Brien, Maurice: Security

O’Brien, Mike (or Michael): Hired c.1960; Midget Autopia; Submarine Voyage hitch; Former of the Disneyland Ski Club and instructor, 1962

O’Connell, Bill: Keel Boat Operator, 1966

O’Grattan, Mike: Character Parades Department Coordinator, 1977, Disneyland Characters/Parades Coordinator, 1980

O’Hara, Suzy: Walt Disney World Ambassador contemporaneous to American Bicentennial celebration

O’Mara, Kelly: Seasonal Tom Sawyer Island, 1966

O’Neil, Bob: Disneyland Food, 1972

Oborn, Vivian: Disneyland Ticket Seller, 1958; Adventureland 1966

Oder, Glenn: Disneyland Security Supervisor, 1966

Okuma, Tim: Backstage Disneyland writer 1975

Olivan, John: Backstage writer 1977

Olsen, Art: Painting Dept., 1962; painted the Matterhorn “snow”

Olsen, Jack: “55er”; Disneyland Merchandise Division, 1968-1975

Olsen, Tom: Fantasyland Food Units Manager 1968; Character Food Stands

Olson, Ken: Disney Entertainment Work Experience Program Marching Band trumpeter

Oltman, Patti: Main Street Stage Supervisor, 1980

Oman, John: Janitorial 1958

Ontiveros, Juan R.: Maintenance & Custodial; about 30 years of service

Opeka, Antoinette: Advertising

Opel, Fritz: Disneyland Marketing Editorial Sup., 1967-68

Oram, Cherrill or Cheryl: Adventureland Shooting Gallery; Frontierland Shooting Gallery, Small World, c.1966

Orosco, Mickey M.: “55er” and Operations, 1975

Orr, Debbie

Orr, Dick: Golden Horseshoe Assistant Supervisor, 1966

Orren, Margaret: 1957

Orrick, Eloise “Ellie”: Maintenance Office, 1962; Backstage Disneyland writer, 1962; Warehouse

Orrick, Mike: First Aid, 1958-1962; Maintenance

Ostberg, Sally

Osumi, Georgia: Operations

Ortiz, Anna: Plaza Inn

Otrambo, Dan: Disneyland 1980s

Otto, Gunter: “55er”; Disneyland Grounds Maintenance since 1955-1975

Oune, Leona: Creative Services; Backstage Typesetting, 1975-1977

Ousley, Chuck: Disneyland, 1982

Owens, Barbara (Hemsley): Ad Building, 1958

Owosekun, Akinola James: Nigerian Foreign Exchange Student with Cal State Fullerton and Jungle Cruise Guide, c.1968

Ownby, Jay: 1958

Pace, Clarence J.: Disneyland Security Sgt., worked 7:00am to 3pm shift at the Security Desk, c.1962

Padilla, Tony

Page, John: Maintenance, Plumbing and Air Conditioning Shop, 1966-1968

Palmer, Linda: 1977

Pangborn, Randy: Disneyland Drama Club, c.1970s

Pangle, Sharon: Disneyland Parking Harbor Gate

Papel, Phil: Ruggles Gift Shop, 1958

Park, Jerry: Native Texan; Skyway, 1956; pre-1962; moved to Six Flags Over Texas by 1962.

Park, Malou: Space Mountain Hostess

Parker, Buck: Disneyland Mill since 1955; Disneyland Maintenance Mill-Sheet Metal Supt., 1967-68.

Parker, Cheryl

Parker, Cleo: “55er”

Parker, Louise: Main Gate/Adventureland 1966; Main Street Theme Park Operations; about 30 years of service

Parker, Sherman

Parkinson, Debbie

Parkyn, Bill: Disneyland Metal Shop since 1955

Parr, Jack: Property Control.

Parretti, Larry: Operations.

Partin, Donna: Guided Tours Hostess #1, recruited to Guided Tours, c.1958; Disneyland Marketing Division Chief Hostess, 1967-68

Paskevicius, Alyja: Costuming Illustrator new hire in 1969

Pasquale, Vickie: Monorail Cafe, 1992

Pasquesi, Joe: Disneyland Model Shop; created plaster casts and master molds of Character heads

Passilla, Jim: Disneyland Administrative Division Personnel & Training Manager; Director of Employee Relations, 1967-68

Patry, Cheryl: 1966

Patterson, Pat: Janitorial 1958

Patton, Jim: Storybook Land, 1966; Lincoln, 1967

Pauline, Joe: 1995

Peacock, Jim P.: “55er”; MacGlashan Enterprises; Disneyland Maintenance Arcade Asst. Supt., 1967-68.

Peacock, Marion: 1958

Pease, Paul: Disneyland Board of Directors and Executive Committee, 1954

Peluso, Tony: All-American College Band Director, 1977, 1980

Penano, Venancio

Penfield, Bob D.: “55er”; DRC Baseball, c.1958; Riding Club, c.1959; Backstage Disneyland Sports, 1962; DRC Bowing, 1962; Operations; Disneyland Maintenance Supervisor, 1967-68-1975

Penlick, Clinton D.: “55er”

Penlick, Dean: Character Food Stands; Tomorrowland Food Units Manager, 1968-1975

Peralta, Leslie: 1966

Perkins, Don: Disneyland Drama Club, c.1970s

Perkins, Gary: Adventureland 1966

Perkins, Jeanne: Main Files, 1960s

Perreira, Joe: 1995

Perret, Don: c.1983

Perry, Chuck: 1958

Perryman, Jackie: Island Trade Store, 1958

Persons, James

Peters, Mary: Tabulating

Peters, Penny: Disneyland Drama Club, c.1970s

Pettita, Frank: Admissions Supervisor, 1968

Pezenas, Ron: Pavilion & Tahitian Terrace 1966

Pfannenstiel, Frank: “55er”; Main Street

Phelps, Bob: DRC President, 1968; Disneyland, 1982

Phelps, Orville J.: “55er”Maintenance, c.1972

Phillips, Earle: Merchants Association President; Emporium, 1958

Piel, Norm: Printing Services; Lock & Key Control, 1960.

Pierce, Dave: Main Street Electrical Parade Captain, 1977.

Pierce, Tom: Costuming

Pierpaoli, Julio: Plaza Inn; New Orleans Food Units Manager, 1968

Pillsbury, Andy: Maintenance, Plumbing and Air Conditioning Shop, 1966

Pimentel, Gilbert H.: “55er”; Disneyland Grounds Maintenance since 1955-1975

Pinkham, Al: Indian War Canoes, 1966

Pitarra, Kathy

Pitts, Milton: Security, 1966

Pitzer, Frank: Disneyland Grounds Maintenance since 1955

Pizula, Mike: Adventureland, 1966

Plent, Eileen: Disneyland Hotel United Airlines Office, 1960s

Plum, Claude: Backstage Disneyland Assistant to Editor, 1962

Plummer, Bill: Plaza Inn Kitchen Supervisor, 1968; Character Food Stands

Poemoceah, Al: DRC Football League, 1962

Poirier, Ed: Security, 1966

Ponichea, Hal: DRC Softball, c.1957

Pontius, Bill: Space Place Supervisor, 1977

Poole, Betty: Disneyland, c.1983.

Poole, Leta

Pope, Bill: Maintenance, Plumbing and Air Conditioning Shop, 1966

Pope, Dollie: “55er”; Walt Disney World Operations, 1975

Pope, Owen: “55er”; Livestock, 1960; Disneyland Operations Pony Farm Supt., 1967-68; Walt Disney World Operations, 1975

Popke, Karen

Poppa, Daniel H.: “55er”; Disneyland Maintenance, 1962

Portal, André: Disneyland Hotel General Manager of Food and Beverage.

Porter, Prentice: Security Relief Foreman, 1977

Post, Hank: Frontierland Bad Man, 1958; broke his nose during a gun fight, c.1958

Pototscher, Irmgard: Disneyland Costuming 1980s

Potter, Calvin “Cal”: Disneyland Maintenance Supervisor, 1967-68; Winston Shops; Mechanical Superintendent, 1982.

Power, John: Disneyland Maintenance Supervisor, 1967-68

Powers, Joan: Character, 1977.

Poyck, Bob: Construction.

Prather, Sharon: Casting

Pressler, Paul: Tomorrowland Media Host Training, c.1998

Preston, Bob: Character 1962

Prinzing, Dan: Space Mountain Host

Printz, Randy: Disney-MGM, 1989

Prock, Don: Area Manager/ Buyer Frontierland, c.1972

Quaglia, Veromondo Libro: 1966

Quigley, James “Jim” J.: “55er”; Hired June 1955; Disneyland General Accounting Office Manager; 1958; Timekeeping & Payroll, 1960-1962; Finance, 1975

Quoyavema (Sunrise): Disneyland Indian Village Emcee, c.1957

Rabby, Otto: Disneyland Merchandising Manager Special Purchasing & Display, 1967-68

Rader, George: Magic Kingdom Emporium Lead - Stock, 1970s

Radock, Bob: c.1980s

Railson, Bob: 1961

Rainey, Milo J.: “55er”; Disneyland Ski Club, 1962; Backstage Disneyland Production Assistant, 1962; Disneyland Merchandising Emporium Store Manager, 1967-68; Operations; Services Division, 1975

Ralston, Carole: Adventureland 1966

Ralston, Martha: Costuming

Ramos, Al: Backstage photographer 1977

Randall, Don: Disneyland, c.1983.

Rankin, Jackie: Disneyland Drama Club, c.1970s

Rasch, Sandy: Main Gate Tickets, 1965.

Rasulo, James E.: Walt Disney Parks & Resorts President, c.2005.

Rausin, Terry: Disneyland, 1982

Ravenscroft, Tom: Adventureland; Tomorrowland, 1966

Rawson, Jerry: French Market Supervisor 1968; Food Service Pavilion

Ray, Sally: Frontierland, 1958

Rebich, Renee

Redenbacher, Orville: Disneyland and Walt Disney World Participant sponsor beginning in 1977

Redmond, Bob: Mules, 1966

Reed, Bill: Maintenance, Plumbing and Air Conditioning Shop, 1966; c.1983

Reed, Diana: RETLAW, 1966

Reid, Jim: Construction, 1967; 1972

Reilly, Bob: Holiday Land Picnic Committee, May 1957; assisted with “Disneyland Comes to the Hollywood Bowl,” 1958; Operations; supported the Guided Tour training, giving tours of Nature’s Wonderland to the first eight Guides; Operations Manager, 1960; Sunkist, I Presume

Reilly, Jack: Disneyland Maintenance Chief Engineer, 1966-68.

Reilly, John R.: “55er” and Maintenance; retired by 1975.

Rendick, Nick: Model Maker & Staff Shop since 1955

Restivo, Salvatore: Replaced Milt Albright as Disneyland General Accounting Manager May 1957; Finance, 1962

Rettie, Jim: Backstage writer 1977

Reyes, Connie: Lost and Found

Reynolds, Becky: Promoted from Services Secretary to Personnel Assistant, 1978-

Reynolds, Frank: Maintenance, 1958

Reynolds, Priscilla: First Aid

Reynolds, Roger: Ice Cream Salesman, 1955; Photo in The Disneyland News December 10, 1955

Reynolds, Vera: DRC Bowling, c.1958

Rheim, Julie: Disneyland Tour Guide, Disneyland Ambassador, Miss Disneyland 1965

Rhoades, Trudy: Tour Guide Banquet Program Special Affects, 1965

Rhodes, Joe: Maintenance, Plumbing and Air Conditioning Shop, 1966

Ricci, Barnettte: Choreographer, 1977, 1980

Richardson, Archard: “55er” and Operations

Richardson, Dave: DRC Baseball c.1958; DRC Bowling, c.1958

Richardson, Judi: Accounting

Ridgway, Charlie: Backstage Disneyland Asst. Coordinator, 1966; Disneyland Marketing Division Publicity Sup. 1967-68

Ridgway, Chris: Monorail operator; Backstage Disneyland Assistant to Coordinator c.1966 ; Walt Disney World Director of Press & Publicity

Rigdon, Cicely: helped guide and organize the Guided Tour program before 1965; Disneyland Operations Tour Guide Supervisor, 1967-68; Guest Relations

Riley, Cindy: c.1983

Rinabarger, Kim: DRC Clubs Chairman 1977; Disneyland Drama Club, c.1970s

Risteen, Bob: Disneyland, 1982

Ritenhour, Gary: Main Street Electrical Parade Captain, 1977.

Ritter, Carl: Fantasyland Operations, 1958-1962; retired after ten years of service, c.1966.

Roamer, Fred

Roarty, Ray: Security

Roberson, Chuck: Disneyland Drama Club, c.1970s

Roberson, Sharon: Disneyland Drama Club, c.1970s

Roberts, John

Roberts, Lee: Blue Bayou Food Supply Supervisor, 1968

Robertson, Joyce: Bell System Exhibit & DRC Canoe Race Team, 1966

Robertson, Lola: Red Wagon, Tobacco, Flower Shop, One-of-a-kind Shop, 1966

Robinson, Cecil: Walt Disney World Division Training Advisor Finance/Services

Robinson, Judy: Personnel Receptionist, 1967.

Robinson, Kathie: Main Street Theme Park Operations; about 30 years of service

Robinson, Mary Jo: DRC Council Treasurer, 1978

Robinson, Robert F.:

Rochelle, Donna: “55er”; INA Suite Disneyland

Rodd, John: Janitorial

Rodriguez, Jose: Disneyland House Keeping, 1992

Rodriguez, Michelle: Fantasyland Relief Working Leader, 1977

Rofoli, Carliss: Seasonal Tahitian Terrace Hostess, 1966

Rogo, Howard: Fashioned a solid brass phone complete with original fixtures in 1957; Pen Shop, 1958

Rolnick, Rick: Backstage Disneyland writer 1975

Romero, Chuck: Walt Disney Studios representative to Disneyland Merchants’ Association Meeting, 1958

Rondeau, Mike: Character 1962

Rooney, Debbie: Space Girl, 1958

Root, Charlie: DRC Golf Club, 1958

Roppa, Rose:

Roppa, Thomas “Tom” F.: “55er”; Janitorial Night Supervisor, 1966; Disneyland Maintenance Asst. Sup. & leader of 80 custodial men, 1967-68; Services Division & Club 55, 1975

Rosenberg, Lori

Rosenthal, Marvin: Character Food Stands

Ross, Pat: Operations Ticket Seller 1962; Main Street Theme Park Operations; about 30 years of service

Ross, Jim: Disneyland Administrative Division Legal Res. Counsel c.1967-68

Ross, Rick: Seasonal Tahitian Terrace, 1966

Ross, Tom: 1957

Roth, Bob: Disneyland 1980s

Roth, Lou: Construction Engineer, c.1962

Rouch, Jack: Janitorial 1958

Rowland, Stan: Adventureland, 1966

Royer, Karen: Tomorrowland Media Host Training, c.1998

Rubio, Jesus: Nursery

Rue, Vicki: Disneyland Tour Guide of the Year, 1968.

Ruescher, Donia

Ruggio, Phil: Disneyland 1992

Ruiz, Trinidad: Accepted the Golden-hued scoop in 1957; Spring Tonics ‘58

Runco, Tim: Disneyland Working Lead and Assistant Parade Coordinator 1977.

Russo, Leonard: Disneyland Sign Shop Superintendent, 1992

Ryan, Becky: Backstage Disneyland writer 1975

Ryan, Judy: Aunt Jemima’s, 1958