Gair, Bill: Engineering, 1973

Gajewski, Elle: Fantasyland Pirate Ship, 1977

Gale, Warren J.

Galentine, Eugene: “55er”

Gallant, Norma: Disneyland Personnel, 1960s

Gallegly, Oren: “55er”; Maintenance, Plumbing and Air Conditioning Shop, 1966; 1975

Galentine, Eugene: Disneyland Fire Department, 1958; Services, 1975

Gallegly, Oren:

Galusha, Diane: Disneyland Legal 1960s

Galusha, Pam: Tour Guide, 1965

Gamble, Ron: Disneyland Service Garage Night Working Foreman, 1977

Garber, Jim: Publicity, 1973

Garcia, Bob: Emporium Graveyard Working Leader, 1977

Gardner, Joe: Guatemalan Shop Salesgirl; September 1955 - May 1957

Gardner, Tom: General Ledger, 1973

Garrett, David: Assistant to All-American College Singers Director at Disneyland, 1977.

Garrison, Gary: Disneyland Mail Room 1960s

Gary, Ralph: Disneyland Band clarinet, 1966

Garza, Greg: Emporium Graveyard Shift Supervisor, 1977

Gates, Mel: 1966

Gatley, Eric: An artist of Walt Disney World Merchandising Art Department who constructed the Emporium window display figures for Disneyland (i.e. Sleeping Beauty Castle).

Gaudette, Clem: Disneyland Maintenance Supervisor 1967-68

Gault, Bob: Food, 1973; Disneyland Tour Guide Manager, 1980s

Gavitt, Isabell: Disneyland Marketing 1960s

Geerts, Fred: Disneyland Merchandising 1960s; Backstage Disneyland Contributing Artist c.1966

Gegeny, Steve: Costume Division Tailor, retired after seven years, in 1978.

Gehrls, Arnold: Janitorial Night Asst., 1966; Disneyland Maintenance Supervisor, 1967-68, 1973

Gehrls, Mary: Bell System Exhibit & DRC Canoe Race Team, 1966

Gerlach, John N.: Disneyland Sound 1960s

Gentleman, Bob: Disneyland Parking Shuttle, 1966

George, Naomi: Group Insurance Admin. Asst. c.1967, 1973

Gerlach, John N.: “55er”; Disneyland Maintenance Supervisor, 1967-68; Sound, 1973

Gerlich, Vivian: 1956

Gerard, Scott: RETLAW, 1966

Gettmann, Roger: Seasonal Foods, New Cafeteria, 1966

Geyer, John: Santa Fe & Disneyland Railroad Engineer or Brakeman, 1965

Gibbons, James: Custodial, 1968

Gibson, Alice: Bell System Exhibit & DRC Canoe Race Team, 1966

Gibson, Cecil E.: “55er”; Maintenance RETLAW, 1955-1975

Gibson, Hoot: Mark Twain

Gilbert, Mary: Hired 1956; Disneyland First Aid 1960s

Gilbert, Mike: Disneyland Research 1960s

Gilbert, Petra: Disneyland Customer Relations 1960s

Gilmore, Rose: Disneyland Character Food Stands 1960s

Gilpin, Don: Character 1962

Girard, Scott: Santa Fe & Disneyland Railroad Frontierland Depot, 1965-1967

Givens, James: Custodial; 1960s

Glagola, Pete: Security, 1973

Glassford, carl: Marketing Art, 1973

Glendening, George: 1967.

Gloady, Rick: 1989

Glomb, Steve: Food, 1973

Glover, Vivian: General Ledger, 1973

Goddard, Otis: Security, 1966-1968

Goetz, Craig: Warehouse, 1973

Gogerty, Dore: 1989.

Golay, Keith: West Gate, 1965.

Goldfarb, Terry: edited World of Smiles, c.1965

Gomez, Jesse: Disneyland Operations/Attractions, 1992

Gomez, Stanley: “55er”; Laborer since 1955-1975

Gonzales, Leonard: Maintenance & Custodial; about 30 years of service

Gonzales, Lupe: DRC Football League, 1962

Gonzalez, Edward

Goodman, Doreen: Tobacco Shop, 1960s

Goodman, Mike: Area Supervisor, 1982-1983

Goodnough, Jim: Disneyland's Citizen of the Month, 1956

Goodrich, Mike: Food, 1973

Goodrow, Curtis: Character 1962

Goodwin, Bob: Disneyland Drama Club, c.1970s

Goody, Bev: Food, 1973

Gootee, Archie: Inventory Accounting, 1973

Gordon, Andy: Main Street Electrical Parade Wardrobe Coordinator, 1977.

Gordon, Cecil: Disneyland Construction 1960s

Gordon, Gary: Wardrobe Coordinator (Main Street Electrical Parade), 1977.

Gordon, Julian “Scotty”: Main Gate Foreman, Applied and joined Disneyland in 1959; Disneyland Main Gate, 1962

Gordon, Ken: Tom Sawyer Rafts, 1966

Gorman, Terry: Lead Planner; 1982-83, 1995

Gorney, Paul

Gorria, Orlando: Costuming, 1973

Gossett, Joanne: Fantasyland, 1958

Gough, Lee: Art Director to World of Smiles, c.1965; Tour Guide Banquet Program House Manager, 1965

Gourmley, Mary: Arts and Crafts, 1958

Grado, Jeanne: Disneyland Lost and Found 1960s

Graham, Clare: c.1980

Grammar, William

Granier, Dianne: Employment, 1973

Grant, Ed: Disneyland Parking

Graton, Ernest

Graves, Eddie: singing waiter

Gray, Anita: University of Disneyland 1960s; Backstage magazine production assistant, 1966

Gray, Cornelia: Merchandising; Guided Tours

Gray, Jacqueline: Hobbyland

Gray, Jennifer: Disneyland Participant Affairs Participant Relations Manager, c.1990s

Gray, John: Security, 1962; helped organize DLC baseball game trips, 1962; “Drip Pan John,” 1966; ten years with Disneyland in 1966, still distributing drip pans

Gregg, Cecil: 1961.

Gregg, Roy: Disneyland Operations Main Street Asst. Supv., 1967-68

Grego, Dave: 1995

Green, Judson: 1995

Greenwood, Loren: Entertainment, 1973; c.1980

Griffin, Kay: Security, 1966

Grinstead, Ken: Disneyland Maintenance Plumbing and Air Conditioning Asst. Supt., 1967-68; 1973

Grisanti, Raul: Disneyland Food Services, 1956; Aunt Jemima & Hills Bros., 1958; DRC Golf Club, 1958; Disneyland Plaza Inn 1960s

Groome, Terry: Magic Kingdom Emporium Lead - Personnel, 1970s

Gross, Chuck: Operations, 1973

Grove, Margery: Warehouse Marking

Grundy, Cliff: Hiring, 1955; Monsanto’s House of Tomorrow, 1958

Grupp, Barry: Food, 1973

Guder, Vic: Entertainment, c. 1972-73

Guerrero, Ramona: Costuming

Gum, Ernie: 1970

Gurrula, Esteban

Guse, Al: Magic Kingdom Emporium Store Supervisor, 1970s

Guseman, Roger: Main Files, 1973

Gutzke, Lois: 1969

Gyurina, Marty: 1965.

Habicht, Rick: Disneyland Drama Club, c.1970s

Hagan, Al: Disneyland Operations Fire Dept. Asst. Supv., 1967-68

Hagman, Al: Disneyland Toastmasters Club President 1957; left Disneyland Kaiser Exhibit in May 1957, to work in Kaiser’s Los Angeles office.

Hahne, Tim: First Aid, 1958; Disneyland Operations Security Manager, 1967-68; Security Department Supervisor and Park Security Manager

Haigh, Roger: New Cafeteria 1966

Halberstadt, Joel D.: Backstage Disneyland Editor, 1975

Haley, Jim: Mail Room, 1960s

Hall, John: 1995

Hall, Clement A: Walt Disney Productions, 1970-84; WDI consultant c.1994

Hall, Dave: Jungle Cruise, 1966

Hallgren, Michael: Disneyland Hotel Shipping & Receiving, c.1997

Halliburton, Kenn: Golden Horseshoe, 1966

Hammel, Pat: Temporary Disneylander, remained to become permanent Hostess during September of 1957; Disneylander Fantasyland Reporter, September 1957.

Hammer, Mike: Security, 1962

Hancock, Pam

Hancock, Tom: Emporium Graveyard Stocker 1977

Hanna, Bob: Main Street Depot, 1967.

Hannaford, Charles: “55er”

Hannerford, Charles “Chuck”: 1957; assisted with Disneyland Comes to the Hollywood Bowl,” 1958; Disneyland Comm. & Key Control 1960s

Hansen, Bernie W.: Compensation Administrator c.1967-68

Hansen, Bill: Disneyland Construction 1960s

Hansen, Frank: Disneyland Oiler, 1966

Hansen-Lite, Lori: California Wine Cellar Steward, c.1992

Hansen, Pat: Once the youngest Mark Twain ride operator on record, at 18.

Hanson, Kathy: Storybook Land, Small World, 1966

Hanson, Ralph: Disneyland cast Member since 1957; Main Street Attractions by 1970s(?)

Hanson, Terri: 1957

Hanson, Vera: Timex, 1958-1960s

Hardy, Lance: 1995

Harman, James E.: “55er”; Maintenance, 1955-1975

Harmon, Carol: Security

Harper, Ruth

Harrell, Sheila: Magic Kingdom Emporium Lead - Stock, 1970s

Harrigan, John E.: Welding; Disneyland Masonic Club President, c.1959

Harrigan, Larry: Tahitian Terrace Tiki Bar; Pavilion, 1966

Harris, Ben: Production, 1960s; Disneyland Customer Relations 1960s

Harris, Karen

Harris, W.G.: Maintenance Electrician, 1968

Harriss: Cynthia: 2003

Harshbargar, Ken: Disneyland, c.1983.

Hart, Donald: Maintenance, Plumbing and Air Conditioning Shop, 1966

Hart, Lynn: Show Director of Fantasy Waters featuring “The Magic of Disney Music” at the Disneyland Hotel, providing the soundtrack, 1992

Harvey, Phil:

Hauenstein, Bill: Electrical Foreman, Monorail Storage, 1966; Disneyland Maintenance 1967-68

Hauerwaas, Valentine: Master Tailor and Costuming new hire in 1969

Haught, Jim Jr. W. : “55er”; MacGlashan Enterprises; Frontierland Supervisor, 1966; Disneyland Operations Adv., Frl., N.O., Supervisor, 1967-68; 1977

Hausey, Olavine

Hayashida, Jane: Plaza Inn

Hayes, Maurice: Main Gate, 1957.

Haynes, Kelsey: Blue Bayou Kitchen Supervisor, 1968

Hays, Diana: 1966

Head, Linda: Emporium, 1969.

Hedden, Mary-Jane: Magic Kingdom Emporium Lead - Personnel, 1970s

Hefferly, Gerald: Disneyland Maintenance Electrical Engineer, 1967-68

Heidel, Herman: Maintenance, Plumbing and Air Conditioning Shop, 1966

Frank Heidemann at Spring Tonics of 1958.

Heidemann, Frank, Jr.: Security 1962

Heidemann, Frank, Sr.: Operations, 1958; Frank was “pickin’ oranges in ‘52” as “Bob Dodge” in the “Time Clock Stomp” during Spring Tonics of 1958; New Security Manager, Disneyland Operations in 1962

Heileson, Reed: Disneyland Merchandising Manager Personnel & Budgets, 1967-68

Heineck, Dave: Plaza Inn Cook

Heineman, Frances: Disneyland Merchandise Buyer Professional Gifts, 1967-68

Heiss, Jim

Heldt, Eleanor: Disneyland Group Services 1960s; Magic Kingdom Club Administrator, c.1965.

Hellyer, Glen: DRC Social Chairman 1977-78

Helmer, Sonny: Class of ‘27

Hemhauser, Harry: Disneyland's Custodial crew since 1962.

Heminger, Ron: DRC Bowling, c.1958

Hemming, Ron: Peter Pan, Saucers; 1966

Hemp, George: 1966

Hench, John: Hyperion Studio, 1939; Mickey’s portrait artist beginning in 1953; WED Project Designer, 1955; wardrobe consultant for all of Disneyland's attractions, 1959; WED Board of Directors, 1966; WED Executive Vice President & Chief Operating Officer, April 1972

Henderson, Julie: Hills Bros. Coffee House, c.1965.

Henderson, Pete: Plaza Gardens comedian of “Hub and Bub” from the Mickey Mouse Club; (along with Bill Skiles) recruited to Guided Tours in 1958.

Henn, Opal: Joined Disneyland in 1963; Known as “Mother Henn” around the Bell System Exhibit, 1966; By 1966 had overseen 245 girls (who each worked 4-6 months).

Henning, Ron: Space Mountain Host, 1988

Hensley, Derris: “55er”; Maintenance, 1955-1975

Heppert, John: Disneyland Drama Club, c.1970s

Herget, Billie: Costuming

Hernandez, John M.: Maintenance, 1975

Hernandez, Jose M.: 15 years in Administrative Services, 1975.

Hernandez, Ricardo

Hetzel, Janet: Ruggles China Shop, c.1958

Heupel, Evelyn: 1958

Hibbard, Dick: Warehouse, 1958

Hibbard, Doug: DRC Bowing, 1962

Hibbard, Rick: Aunt Jemima’s, 1962

Hibbeler, Art: Monsanto Manager; 1966

Hibberd, Doug: Disneyland Construction 1960s

Hickman, Roy: Maintenance, Plumbing and Air Conditioning Shop, 1966

Hicks, Bob: Electrical Maintenance

Hicks, Glenn: Security 1960s; Disneyland Operations Tomorrowland Supv., 1967-68, 1981

Higashi, Noriko: Plaza Inn

Higgins, Clarice: Disneyland Payroll, 1960s

Hight, Bob: Sr. Autopia Foreman, 1958

Hill, Betty: c.1980-1990

Hill, Clint W.: Disneyland Payroll, 1960s

Hilliard, John: Disneyland Production Studio 1960s

Hillis, Bill: Parking Lot, 1977

Hindley, Christine: Tomorrowland Media Host Training, c.1998

Hinkel, Ralph: Disneyland Maintenance Division Plumbing Department; Santa Claus, 1989.

Hirt, Charles: 1962

Hodge, Dottie:

Hoelscher, Billie “Bill”: “55er”; Adventureland and New Orleans Square Supervisor, 1966; Disneyland Operations Adv., Frl., N.O., Manager, 1967-68, 1975

Hoelscher, Holly: Disneyland Operations, 1972

Hoffman, Al: Disneyland Hotel (?), 1962

Holden, Claire: Maintenance Office Department Clerk, new c.1962

Holden, Mildred: Maintenance

Holland, Homer L.: “55er”; DRC Bowing, 1962; Frontierland Shooting Gallery, 1966; Omnibus, 1967; Main Street, 1975

Holliday, Helen: Disneylander Editor, Business Manager, and Photographer, c.1957-1959.

Holmes, Dick: Submarines, 1966

Holmes, Marge: Disneyland Security Secretary, c.1967; Kaiser Exhibit, 1958.

Holowach, Tom: Disneyland Hotel Entertainment Production Manager, c.1992

Homer, Pete: DRC Softball, c.1957; Autopia, DRC Football League, 1962; Rafts, 1965

Hopkins, Mary: Storybook, Rocket to the Moon, 1966

Horowitz, Terry: Pavilion, 1966

Houtchens, Jeanne: Red Wagon, 1958; National Archery Champion, competing in Olympics in October of 1958

Hovey, Burns: Disneyland Merchandising manager Merchandise, 1967-68

Howard, John: New Orleans Kitchen, 1966

Howry, Alton: Pony Farm, 1966

Hoyny, Mike: Disneyland Drama Club, c.1970s

Hubbard, Frank: His company lead the cleaning of what came to be known as the Reedy Creek Canals, c.1967-71; oversaw cleaning, grading, earth moving drainage works, pipes, and bridges for the construction of Walt Disney World Vacation Kingdom, up to 1971

Huey, Keith: Slue Foot Sue’s Golden Horseshoe; pre-1962; moved to Seattle, Wa for the World’s Fair

Hufstader, Donald

Hughes, Dale: Security Supervisor, 1966; Disneyland Operations Security Asst. Supv., 1967-68

Hulst, Art: Disneyland Maintenance Admin. Asst., 1967-68

Hume, Cliff: Disneyland Engineering 1960s; Maintenance Chief Draftsman, 1967-68

Hunt, Tiffany: Disneyland Employee Relations, 1992

Hunter, Fred: Disneyland Cash Control 1960s

Hurst, Bruce: Asst. Area Store Manager, and Emporium, 1972

Hurst, Herky: DRC Softball, c.1957

Hutcheson, Larry “Hutch”: assisted with “Disneyland Comes to the Hollywood Bowl,” 1958; recruited Carla DeVillez for an experimental Guided Tour in 1958

Hutchings, Art: 1969

Hyman, Milt: The Disneyland News photographer, 1957

Iantorno, Sayne: Costuming

Ingraham, Rina: Operations Office 1958

Irvine, Dick: Came from Fox Studios

Irvine, Pat: Snow White, 1966

Irving, Chuck: Revenue Accounting, 1973

Irzyk, Joe: Richfield Exit Security, 1966

Isaacson, Ike: Security, 1973

Ishikawa, Mike: Disneyland Drama Club, c.1970s

Jacobs, Leslie: All-American College performer, 1977

Jacobs, Paul: Autopia, 1966

Jacobson, Jake: pre-1962; moved to Cedar Point Park

Jacobson, Tom: Costuming, 1973; Tomorrowland Media Host Training, c.1998

Jackson, Bob: 1968

Jackson, Dave: Aunt Jemima’s, 1962

Jackson, Donna: Guest Relations; portrayed Alice in The Bell Telephone Hour television special, 1960

Jackson, Gene: singing waiter

Jackson, Palmere: Once fulfilled a role as Aunt Jemima

Jackson, Pat: RN, c.1958

Jaime, Pat: Disneyland Merchandising Buyer Decorative Gifts, 1967-68

James, Bette: assisted with Disneyland Comes to the Hollywood Bowl,” 1958

James, Jack: Disneyland Maintenance Shops Asst. Sup., 1967-68; Engineering, 1973

Jani, Bob (Robert): Disneyland Entertainment Division 1968; Co-creator of the Electrical Water Pageant and creator of the Main Street Electrical Parade, 1970s; Entertainment, 1973; Walt Disney World Co. V.P. of Entertainment for Disneyland and Disney World, 1977

Janssen, Diane: Disneyland Accounting 1960s

Jeffcoat, George: Maintenance, 1973

Jennings, Nancy: Food ,1973

Jharim, John: DRC Bowling, 1962

Johnings, Robert: Maintenance

Johnson, Barbara: Pavilion 1966

Johnson, Cheryl: New Orleans Square, 1969.

Johnson, Dick: Director of Finance.

Johnson, Fred: Disneyland Maintenance, 1958; Electrical Superintendent, 1962-1969

Johnson, Gene: pre-1962; moved to Cedar Point Park

Johnson, Johnie: “55er”; Maintenance, 1955-75; DRC Sports Chairman 1977

Johnson, Lewie “Lew”: Disneyland Administrative Training Supervisor c.1966-68

Johnson, Lyle: Retlaw, 1973

Johnson, Mark: marching Band trombone player

Johnson, Pat: Souvenir Stand near Bank of America, 1965.

Johnson, Richard (Dick) L.: Disneyland Finance Controller); Disneyland Inc. & Disneyland Toastmasters Club President, 1957; Disneyland Finance; Disneyland Operations Assistant Secretary & Assistant Treasurer, 1968

Johnson, Rick: Walt Disney World Division Training Advisor Resort

Johnson, Shannon: Tomorrowland Space Girl, 1966

Jones, Bep: Ticket Seller; recruited to Guided Tours, 1958

Jones, Chuck: Operations, 1973

Jones, Len: Disneyland Safety 1960s; 1973

Jones, Mary: Secretary to Jack Reilly of Maintenance, 1966; Disneyland Marketing Division Public Relations Rep., 1967-68; 1973

Jones, Theodis: Employment Department, c.1976

Jordan, Eduardo: Admissions, 1973

Jordan, Jim: Submarines, 1966

Jordan, Phil: Food, 1973

Joyce, John: Disneyland Construction 1960s

Juban, Bernie: Bernie supplied the Park with pastries from his Costa Mesa bakery before being hired as a Bakery Chef; 1965; Plaza Inn Supervisor, 1968

Judd, Bill: Disneyland, 1982

Jurado, Barbara: Hills Bros., 1958

Jurva, Chuck: 1966

Justesen, Chris: Chef; Food Operations

Justus, Judy: Disneyland Operations 1960s

Kaa, Erin

Kaczmarek, Marilyn: Disneyland Drama Club, c.1970s

Kakuda, Terri: Walt Disney’s Enchanted Tiki Room Hostess, 1963.

Kanauff, Anthony: Maintenance ;Ten years fo service in 1969

Karam, Martha: Disneyland Ticket Seller, 1958; DRC Bowing, 1962

Karner, Lydia: Magic kingdom Club, 1973

Kasper, Steve: Entertainment

Kawanami, Karen: Disneyland 1992

Kay, John: Adventureland, 1962; stationed in Fantasyland at Dumbo Flying Elephants, 1962

Kay, Mary: Tour Guide

Keaney, Keri: Disneyland Dance Assistant 1977.

Kearns, Pat: Fantasyland Food Units Asst. Relief Supervisor, 1968

Keehne, Chuck: Head of Disneyland Wardrobe, 1962.

Keehne, John: Costuming, 1973

Kehoe, Jack: Security, c.1966-c.1973; Backstage Disneyland “10-4 from Security” contributor.

Keil, Greg: Disneyland Landscaping Lead, 1989.

Keipans, Al: Snow White; King Arthur Carousel, 1966

Kelley, Sam: Disneyland Parking

Kelly, Karen: Disneyland Drama Club, c.1970s

Kemper, Mary: Merchandise, 1973

Kennedy, Frank: Emporium Manager, Supervisor, 1969

Kennedy, Mike: Technical Director of Fantasy Waters featuring “The Magic of Disney Music” at the Disneyland Hotel, 1992

Kent, Ralph: Backstage Disneyland Art Production c.1966; Disneyland Merchandising Senior Artist, 1967-68

Kerpelo, Gina: Club 33, 1973

Kew, John: Disney University, 1973

Kibler, Dave: Disneylander Adventureland Reporter, September 1957.

Kilpatrick, Kay: Disneyland Character Food Stands 1960s

Kim, Matt: Santa Fe & Disneyland Railroad Engineer or Brakeman, 1965

Kimball, Dana: Disneyland Maintenance 1960s

Kimsey, Keith: Merchandise, 1973

Kinnaman, Lynn:

King, Fred: 1966

King, Jerry: Frontierland, 1958

Kinses, Marian: Timex Shop, 1960s

Kirby, Steve: Disneyland Drama Club, c.1970s; Disneyland Drama Club, c.1970s

Kirk, Gary: Adventureland, 1966; Operations, 1973

Kisow, Rick: Disneyland Parking 1966

Kistler, George: Main Street Electrical Parade Captain, 1977.

Kite, Dan: Main Street Stroller Shop, 1966.

Keady, Sylvia: Frontierland Leather Shop, 1958

Kent, Ralph: Disneyland Merchandising 1960s

Klapinski, Gail: Disneyland Merchandise 1960s; Wardrobe 1972-1973

Klar, Edie: National Sales, 1973

Kledzik, Ken: Columbia, 1958

Kledzik, Paul: Advertising, 1973

Kline, Tiny: Tinker Bell; assisted with Disneyland Comes to the Hollywood Bowl,” 1958

Klinger, Mary: Warehouse Marking

Kloris, Jonas: Engineering, 1973

Knibb, Joann: Fantasyland Ticket Seller, 1966; Main Street Theme Park Operations; about 30 years of service

Knowlton, Janice: Golden Horseshoe Can Can Dancer, 1970s; Secretary, July 1973

Knutti, George: Character Food Stands, 1960s; Disneyland Operations Security Asst. Supv., 1967-68

Koch, David: Disneyland Publicity 1960s; Backstage Disneyland Staff Writer, 1966; Disneyland Marketing Division Writer, 1967-68

Koehler, Fred: Backstage Disneyland Photographer/Editorial coordinator/photographer c.1966

Koger, Howard

Kohler, Ken: Monorail 1960s; 1966; Disneyland Maintenance RETLAW Manager, 1967-68; Roundhouse Supervisor; Maintenance & Custodial; 1973; about 30 years of service

Kollen, Ron: Disney University; Backstage Disneyland writer 1975; 1977

Konig, Victor: Maintenance

Konowal, Jerry: Disneyland

Korgol, Alex: Tomorrowland Operations, 1958

Korn, Dick: Main Gate Security, c.1966

Korosacki, Greg: Pavilion 1966

Kovaletz, Frank: UPT Concessions, 1958

Krane, Mary Anne: Group Services; helped promote the Guided Tours program in its early years before 1965; Disneyland Marketing Convention & Tours Admin., 1967-68; Group Sales, 1973

Kranz, Ken: Warehouse, 1973

Kratochvil, Pat: Disneyland Marketing, 1960s

Kriegenhofer, John: Disneyland Fantasyland Project Management

Krol, Janae:

Mike Kropf and the Mill Staff.

Kropf, Mike: Disneyland Mill since 1955

Kuri, John: Disneyland Decorating, 1960s; Maintenance Area Sup., 1967-68

Kurtz, Steve: Food, 1973

Kushner, Ron

Kuyama, Atsuko: Costuming Department professional seamstress

La Fortune, Stanis: “55er”; 1961; (Alice Day Foreman, 1966); Operations, 1975

LaMonte, Bob: Disneyland Drama Club, c.1970s

LaRochelle, Al: Disneyland Security, c.1957

LaRue, Chet: Emporium Lead, promoted to Assistant Supervisor in 1969.

LaRue, Lois: Disneyland Accounting 1960s; Accounts Payable, 1973

LaVere, Charles: Frontierland, 1958

Laarss, Willie: Painter since 1955

Lafey, Lynne: 1970

Lai, Diana: Walt Disney’s Enchanted Tiki Room Hostess, 1963.

Lamb, Jo:

Lambert, Dale: Disneyland Hotel Golf Centre “Professional”

Lammond, Britt: In the role of Captain Monasterio, assisted with Disneyland Comes to the Hollywood Bowl,” 1958

Lamson, Jo: Merchandise, 1973

Lance, Marc: Hired 1964; Carnation ice cream fountain man; Columbia crew member

Landier, George: Disneyland Band since 1955; Keystone Cops Quartet (Saxophone Quartet) 1957

Lane, Bill: Puffin’s Bakery, 1957-1958

Lane, Bruce: Electrician; 1965-1977

Langhans, Mike: One part of the Trash can Trio on Main Street and in Tomorrowland at Disneyland, c.1995

Langlais, Richard: Walt Disney Entertainment Character Costume Department Manager Design & Developement

Langston, Larry: 1995

Lanier, Don: Magic Kingdom Emporium Assistant Area Manager, 1970s

Lantz, JoEllen

Larkin, Barbara: Disneyland 1992

Larson, Bob: Admissions, 1973

Larson, Martin: Disneyland Mill since 1955

Laser, Steve: Backstage Disneyland writer 1975

Lassafare, Barbara: Employee Relations; 25 Years of Service

Lauer, Casey: Disneyland Cash Control 1960s; Revenue Accounting, 1973

Lavery, Tyrone: DRC Football League, 1962; RETLAW, 1966

Lavin, Jack: assisted with “Disneyland Comes to the Hollywood Bowl,” 1958; 1962

Lawson, Chris: Graveyard Stocker 1977

Lazari, Joe: Food, 1973

LeBaron, Stewart: Disneyland Drama Club, c.1970s

LeBrun, Jeff: Key Control, 1973

Leach, Dwain: Motorboats, 1966; Operations, 1973

Leahy, Joe: Food, 1973

Lee, Margery: Backstage writer 1977

Leeper, Charles: Maintenance Plumbing and Air Conditioning Shop, 1966

Leeper, Jo: Disneyland Personnel 1960s

Leevan, Harold: Janitorial Fantasyland Foreman

Le Febvre, George: “55er”; Disneyland Mill since 1955; Maintenance, 1975

Legg, Paul: DRC Softball Coach and Team Manager, 1958; Adventureland, 1962; RETLAW, 1966; Disneyland Operations RETLAW Asst. Supv., 1967-68; Maintenance & Custodial; about 30 years of service; RETLAW, 1973

Legrand, Donna: 1970

Leiferman, DeDe: Main Street Stage Supervisor, 1980

Leist, Jim: Disneyland Merchandising Artist Develop & Display, 1967-68

Leitch, Ben: Payroll, 1973

Lemke, Warren: Animation, 1958

Lemmon, Doc: Disneyland Operations, c.1959; overseeing Operators (Rides & Amusements), Livestock, Parking Lot, and Ticket Sellers; pre-1962, became General Manager of Cedar Point Park by 1962

Lender, Cheryl: Copy Writer for World of Smiles, c.1965

Lenihan, Audrey: Payroll, 1973

Lenihan, Mark: Jungle Cruise, c. 1975

Leonard, Ken: Disneyland Parking, c.1966

Lewelling, Steve: Operations, 1973

Lewis, Dave: Backstage Disneyland Artist 1975

Lewis. Eva: Warehouse, 1973

Lewis, Ron: Frontierland Sherriff & Villain, 1960s

Lewis, Sue: Disneyland Character Foods, 1960s; 1973

Lewis, Tom: Relief Foreman, 1966

Libouton, Tony: Maintenance

Liles, Joy: Cash Control, 1973

Lincoln, James Earl: Employee Relations Specialist, 1973

Lind, Bob: Costuming, 1973

Lindberg, Arnold: “55er”; Disneyland Maintenance Mechanical Manager, 1967-68; Walt Disney World Facilities Manager, 1975

Lindberg, Thor: Maintenance, 1973

Lindeman, June

Lindquist, Jack B.: “55er”; Marketing Division, 1967-68; Marketing Disneyland & Walt Disney World, 1973-1975

Lindquist, Troy: Repatriated to/from Tokyo Disneyland, c.1980s

Lindsey, James L.: “55er”, Pony Farm, 1973

Lineberry, Curt: Admissions, c. 1960

Lipps, Morse or Morris: Security, 1966

Little, Scott: Matterhorn Climber, late 1970s

Littrenta, Ed: Walt Disney World Division Training Advisor Marketing

Locke, Bill: Warehouse, 1958

Loffelman, Dave

Logan, Ron: All-American College Marching Band Director of Walt Disney World, 1977; Disneyland, 1982

Long, Bill: Marketing, 1973

Long, Carolyn: Secretary to Studio General Contractor George Mills, Sr., c.1954-55; Secretary to Truman Woodworth; Absent from the Park from 1958 to 1962; Secretary to Construction Engineer Lou Roth, c.1962; Operations Personnel, 1960s; Backstage Disneyland Production Assistant c.1962-66; Services, 1973

Long, Dwight: Disneyland Jewelry Store, 1958

Long, Leo: DRC Bowing, 1958-1962; Disneyland Landscaping; Maintenance Grounds Manager, 1967-73

Long, Phyllis: Productions; Disneyland Special Projects 1960s; Advertising, 1973

Lopez, Chris: Main Steet Stage Supervisor, 1980

Lopez, Danny: Food, 1973

Lopez, Joelle: Plaza Inn

Lopez, Joey: Main Street Electrical Parade Captain, 1977.

Lopez, Luis

Lopez, Theresa: Disneyland Personnel 1960s

Lopp, Kermit: Disneyland Engineering Department, c.1959

Loueiro, Anthony: Maintenance Painter, c.1966

Lovegren. Kathy: Space Mountain 1977

Loving, Mayo: Hired 1967.

Lowery, Claude: Maintenance, Plumbing and Air Conditioning Shop, 1966

Lowman, Jim: Food, 1973

Lown, Laurie

Lubke, Wayne: Disneyland Operations Adv., Frl., N.O., Asst., Sup., 1967-68

Lucatorta, Tom: Main Street Stroller Shop, 1966.

Lucchese, Vince: Walt Disney World Division Training Advisor Facilities

Luckett, Susie: DRC Secretary 1977

Lucero, Carolyn: Health Services Department Registered Nurse who delivered two babies in the Park, retired 1989-c.1990s

Ludwig, Todd: 1992

Luhmann, Rose: Disneylander Fantasyland Reporter, c.1959

Luke, De-an: Mechanical Maintenance

Luke, Tom: Tahitian Terrace 1966

Lunsford, Loretta: Disneyland Group Sales, 1990

Lyles, Mig: 55er; Main Street Depot, 1967.

Lyles, Omega F.: “55er”; Disneyland Marketing, 1975

Lyon, Judy: Marketing Art, 1973